Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Junior Essay Thesis Statements

Assignment: Please post your thesis statements. Feel free to check out what books and topics classmates are writing about and make any appropriate comments.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Candide Discussion Part II

Assignment: Post comments to the following questions and reply to classmate responses. Check back at last week's discussion to see new posts.

What are the characters' views at the end of the novel? What does Candide mean when he says we should "cultivate our gardens"? What could the cultivation of Candide's garden symbolize and what is Voltaire's message?

How does Voltaire's use of black comedy contribute to the story? What if the novel were not comedic or morbid? What kind of effect would this have on the story? Would it be as effective in conveying its points?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Candide Discussion Questions: Food for Thought and Discussion

Assignment: Post comments to the following questions and reply to classmate responses.

How does Voltaire design the opening chapter to be recognized as a parody of the Biblical story of the Fall? Why would Voltaire be doing this?

Why do many of the characters, including Miss Cunégonde and Pangloss, presumably die and then reappear? Is there a significance to their being "brought back to life"?